Monday, October 21, 2019

This book is about a girl that plays diffrent charactors

This book is about a girl that plays diffrent charactors This book is about a girl that plays diffrent charactors in my play. She also perfoms in an Opera. First , she played as an Owl. Next, she took the rule of an Egiptian slave.In the continuation of this story her mother could have been a star of stars making gorgeous music with the world fighting for tickets. She married her Dad and took time off from her career to have the boys.It was a dry autumn,golden with mist and dust.The leaves on the tree in the square looked tired with summer, but hung on. Her sun tan stayed too, without peeling or going dirty. Trog changed jobs and went to live in Norwich,which Mum minded more than she wanted us to see. Marco occasionally appeard from cambrige looking incredibly spruce because he was seeing tv people about getting his Andes film show.After a while the opera seemed to bring the winter nearer.Trog

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