Saturday, October 5, 2019

Law of Attraction Fact or Folly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Law of Attraction Fact or Folly - Essay Example The followers of concepts like law of attraction often find some of their wishes coming true immediately and the other few eluding them for their life. For example, they might get an intuition that some of their closed kith or kin might get caught in an accident which might eventually come true. But, they will be unable to predict sudden unemployment in their own life. Law of attraction is an art or a talent which can be perfected by constant practice to generate abundant prosperity. It can be made to work flawlessly, every time a person visualizes something provided they have the potential to garner such mighty energy. Law of Attraction – A Folly If thoughts become realities, why do people suffer? It is only logical that no person ever wants to suffer from a disease or be poor. Everybody shares the big American dream. Every person from a toddler to a hundred year old man wants to live life to the fullest. But, what makes them suffer from dreadful diseases like cancer causes unaccepted accidents and keep certain people revolving in poverty forever? Certainly, no person visualizes suffering. If law of attraction is true, why doesn’t a person eradicate all the evils from the world like war and disease just by thinking? Books like "The Secret" reinforces what we psychologists call 'argument from authority'. They quote several verses from great minds like Thoreau to Jesus and link them in favour of the law of attraction. The reader is given a message that both St. Augustine and Oprah Winfrey attained great success only through the law of attraction (Chabris & Simons, 2010).... Law of Attraction – The Fact Law of attraction mentioned in the movie secret is one of the most misunderstood ancient concepts interpreted in a factually distorting way by the modern gurus. The book and the movie packaged the concept very commercially that any person watching them will actually feel there is nothing one has to do except to visualize to reach great heights in the world (Kumar, 2009). Law of attraction is a sort of action inducer which will guide the person in the right path if they are able to visualize their destination very clearly. Our mind is like a computer. It gives us back what we think. The concept of garbage in – garbage out fits perfectly to our subconscious mind. Visualizing diseases and poverty – No person can consciously visualize disaster or disease. But, thousands of people have a hidden fear about the same. A patient who thinks about diseases often and hates everything related to hospital will eventually end up there for a long per iod. He will lead a healthy life if he focuses on thinking about leading a healthy life and visualizes indulging in lots of sports related activities. A prospective bride can either think he will never marry a lawyer and end up marrying one or alter her thoughts to think she is marrying a pilot and end up doing the same. The law of attraction helps us reinforce our thoughts in a positive way and make it come true eventually. Let us consider a middle aged lady with breast cancer. She will be terrified of what might follow and be scared day and night thinking about the pain and the financial crisis. Her mind will grant her everything she fears of. On the other hand, law of attraction urges her to replace these negative thoughts with

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