Friday, October 11, 2019

Essay for Santa Monica

I have attended Salesman Demised University and graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering on July 3rd 2009. Before graduating, I manage to attend an internship in a manufacturing company that specializes in the auto industry of my field. Throughout my experience in this company, I saw that my English wasn't good enough to communicate with other business people who visited our company when they ask question about our product and I couldn't explain to them better.Therefore, I decided to come to America to study English professionally because I learn from experience that English language Is the common point everywhere I go. It Is use to communicate to everyone especially In my career. If I learn to speak fluently, I can communicate better with the people In the Industry of mechanical engineering and together with other nationality. Coming to America for the first time In my life, I was enrolled In the IF International Language School.I have enjoyed the school but It's t o Like academic program where I can actually study more seriously compare to IF International School. So I visited few colleges in Los Angles area and I found out about El Camino College and I asked few students who study in the campus about the English program. And I was told that Santa Monica College has a great learning for English program in Los Angles. Then I visited Santa Monica campus and I saw the difference. I like the atmosphere of the campus and it's very close to the beach.There are also many different nationalities that I saw who attended Santa Monica College and they all say that it has good credibility to transfer too university. Once I finish learning professional English, I also would like to do Business Administration so I can expand my parent's family business globally. Therefore, I would like to apply for your college to fulfill my dreams. If I will be given a chance to attend your school institution, it will be a big dream comes true for me and my family who sup port me from a thousand miles away. I will be one of the happiest person from the country of Turkey.

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