Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cultural Impacts Of Cultural Tourism - 1517 Words

Cultural tourism has been a significant aspect of growth for any country in the world. Cultural interactions between the hosts and guests are vital to the sustainability and progression of tourism in a country. Tourists may initially be drawn to a particular destination’s architecture, history or leisure facilities however exposing the tourists to cultural events and dissemination of cultural information can get tourists to categorize the country as a frequent travel destination for vacations and trips. Tourists usually like to explore and know more about the culture of the country they are travelling to hence exhibiting the culture through cultural events is an excellent way to gratify this need. The boom in tourism in recent decades as has opened the world to cross cultural exchanges and culture has become a vital part of tourism. Cultural tourism as one of the subsystems of tourism does assume a noteworthy part in connecting cultural limits through tourist and host interactions. Be that as it may, there are some cultural false impressions that still exist and cultural tourism ought to be considered in the rundown of techniques to address these deficiencies. It ought to be noticed; that cultural travellers visit host puts basically to experience the life methods for the hosts or fundamentally to get a look of the cultural zone. The individuals who visit particularly to learn and admire the living methods for the hosts ordinarily are the individuals who take dynamic partShow MoreRelatedCultural Impacts Of Tourism Development936 Words   |  4 PagesSOCILA AND CULTURAL IMPACTS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The discourse concerning the impacts of tourism in national development, economic and otherwise, has had both negative and positive connotations. 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Many times it is talked about the economical impact which is mainly considered positive as it creates jobs in that area and brings people to the destination that spend money there etc. The environmental impact is a popular topic as well that is covered continuously in the news mainly by claiming the airplanes for their carbon emissions but also stating the destroying impact of mass tourism becaus e of littering, over visitationRead MoreSocio Cultural Impacts of Tourism2973 Words   |  12 PagesTourism is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a motion from a place to another. From a country to another for performing a specific task or it is a visit to a place or several places in the purpose of entertaining which leads to an awareness of other civilizations and cultures, also increasing the knowledge of countries, cultures, and history (Central Department of Tourism Summer Resorts 2006). 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