Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay about Marxism and the Fall of Willy Loman in Death...

In post-Depression America, the United States endured internal battles in political ideologies between capitalists and Marxists, which is the focus of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. According to Helge Normann Nilsen, author of â€Å"From Honors At Dawn to Death of a Salesman: Marxism and the Early Plays of Arthur Miller,† the Great Depression had a profound impact in forming the political identity of Arthur Miller: â€Å"The Great Depression created in him a lasting and traumatic impression of the devastating power of economic forces in the shaping of peoples’ lives† (146). This lasting effect on Miller is embodied in the character of Willy Loman, an unsuccessful salesman whose life collapses from the strain of his competition for†¦show more content†¦The â€Å"vagaries of capitalism† are rooted foremost in materialism and insatiable greed, qualities that are clearly displayed in the character of Willy Loman. As Miller related in a public interview, at the time of the Great Depression, â€Å"The main subject of conversation was money†¦How do I get some, more or less honestly† (â€Å"Miller on America† 13). Inspired to combat the forces of corruption and avarice in American free market society, Miller set out to write Death of a Salesman. Concerned for the future of America, specifically out of fear of fascism, Miller campaigned for reforms in free market society: â€Å"Then Mr. Hitler arrived†¦either capitalism was at its end or it would take tremendous revisions to survive†¦if capitalism ended in fascism, something profound had to change, and not only within the views of the left† (â€Å"Miller on America† 13). Miller’s play can therefore be interpreted either as an attempt to convert Americans to the system of Marxism, or as a message to capitalists that corruption and greed must be avoided at all costs if America is to remain intact. The debate among critics as to the true intentions of Miller in Death of a Salesman extends beyond the character of Willy; readers and critics alike find the character of Charley to be both enigmatic and useful when examining Miller’s criticisms of capitalism. According to Nilsen, Miller designed his characters in a way that reveals the corruption of the American free market. She states: â€Å"He portrayed hisShow MoreRelatedKing Lear and Death of a Salesman Essay672 Words   |  3 Pagesa patriarchal society. Whilst, Arthur Miller uses the characters in ‘Death of a salesman’ to show the failure of the ‘American dream’ during the â€Å"golden era† of America in the late 40’s. The ‘American Dream’ was a set of ideals which suggested that anyone in the US could be successful through hard work, and had the potential to live a happy life. The sense of the deterioration in the equality of opportunities links to the fall in power and hierarchy in King Lear. Arudanthi Roy, however, uses herRead MoreStruggles and Tensions in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Fences by August Wilson1437 Words   |  6 Pagesand the situations they face are important for the building of the plot and mai ntaining the attention of the audience. In Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and Fences by August Wilson, the main characters of the plays face struggles which move the plot along, while adding anticipation and excitement. Willy and Troy face struggles internally and externally with society. Willy struggles with failing business, while Troy struggles with feelings of being segregated form society. Both men also faceRead MoreMarxism : The Theory Of Marxism2245 Words   |  9 PagesKeith Nunez May 5, 2014 ENG 390 Final Marxism The theory of Marxism was founded on the ideas created by Karl Marx, he stated that materialism has become part of our nature and that it has created grounds on how we live in our reality. Marxist criticism argues that literature shows a reflection on reality, specifically how the power of social institutions have affected not only the economic world but the mind and ideals of society. Through literature we can see the mental difference in characters

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